Prescription Drug Abuse: Drug Disposal Day Planned for October 29

Prescription Drug Abuse: Drug Disposal Day Planned For October 29
NBC4 (WCMH-TV) and Boehringer Ingleheim are working together to increase awareness of the teen prescription drug abuse epidemic through a multi-media community campaign, Prevent Teen Prescription Drug Abuse.
Prescription Drug Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

Prescription Drug Abuse: US Attorney Says Prescription Drug Abuse Is Epidemic In WNY
DEA joins US Attorney to shed more light on drug abuse, invites former Buffalo Police Chief, now the US Drug Czar to speak.
Prescription Drug Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

Prescription Drug Abuse: Drug Disposal Day Planed For October 29
NBC4 (WCMH-TV) and Boehringer Ingleheim are working together to increase awareness of the teen prescription drug abuse epidemic through a multi-media community campaign, Prevent Teen Prescription Drug Abuse.
Prescription Drug Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

Prescription Drug Abuse: Conference to Tackle Prescription Drug Abuse
AMHERST, NY-A first of its kind summit examining the growing problem of prescription drug abuse is coming to the University of Buffalo next week.
Prescription Drug Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

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