Drug Abuse Statistics: Ghana: Ecowas Collaborates to Address Alcohol, Drug Use Among Youth – AllAfrica.com

Drug Abuse Statistics: Ghana: Ecowas Collaborates to Address Alcohol, Drug Use Among Youth – AllAfrica.com

Ghana: Ecowas Collaborates to Address Alcohol, Drug Use Among Youth
STATISTICS FROM the United Nations Office for Drug Control (UNODC) World Drug Report indicate that there are signs of an increase in drug use and abuse in developing countries, including those in the West African region, which has further metamorphosed

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: More People Landing in the ER After Abusing Muscle Relaxant: Report – U.S. News & World Report

More People Landing in the ER After Abusing Muscle Relaxant: Report
U.S. News & World Report
More than three-quarters (77 percent) of carisoprodol-related ER visits due to either abuse or misuse involved at least one other prescription drug. Narcotic painkillers were the most common additional medication, found among 55 percent of visits.

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Smoking ‘leaves you vulnerable to effects of cocaine’ – Daily Mail

Los Angeles Times

Smoking 'leaves you vulnerable to effects of cocaine'
Daily Mail
Smoking may increase the chances of someone abusing cocaine later in life by priming the brain to be more receptive to the Class A drug, say scientists. The landmark study, from the National Institute on Drug Abuse in Maryland,
NIH study examines nicotine as a gateway drugNational Institutes of Health (press release)

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Iowa substance abuse report highlights ups and downs – Eastern Iowa Government

Iowa substance abuse report highlights ups and downs
Eastern Iowa Government
Terry Branstad stresses the need to more effectively address the increasing abuse of prescription drugs and other emerging drugs. Schouten pointed to state public health statistics that indicate drug overdose deaths from opioids — including the

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

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