Mom Talks About Losing Sons to Prescription Drug Abuse –

Prescription Drug Abuse: Mom Talks About Losing Sons To Prescription Drug Abuse –
Sparta, NC — An Alleghany County mom who lost two sons to prescription drug abuse is warning others that this problem doesn’t discriminate. Diane Andrews lost her oldest son Matthew and her youngest son Brandon after they overdosed on Methadone. Andrews …
Prescription Drug Abuse – Bing News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Editorial: State must fund fight against prescription drug abuse – Knoxville News Sentinel
Tennessee’s prescription drug abuse problem has reached epidemic proportions. As outlined in a series of articles in the News Sentinel this week, drug overdoses have killed nearly 1,500 people in Knox and surrounding counties during the past …
Prescription Drug Abuse – Bing News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Utah officials working to to combat prescription drug abuse – Fox 13 Now – Salt Lake City
National numbers released this week show the number of fatal pain pill overdoses in the United States tripled in just a decade, from 4,000 in 1999 to nearly 15,000 in 2008. Utah has seen similar increases over that same time and the state ranks …
Prescription Drug Abuse – Bing News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Paula Abdul’s Fox Interview About Her Battles With Drug Addiction

This video contains a Fox News Report on Paula Abdul and Prescription Drug Addiction. Novus Medical Detox applauds Paula Abdul. We applaud her courage in bringing the epidemic of prescription drug abuse into the public eye. Many highly addictive drugs are prescribed by doctors daily, without necessary stringent warnings regarding the HIGHLY ADDICTIVE NATURE of these drugs. Thank you, Paula, for standing up and sharing with the hundreds of thousands of your fans to shed light on the debilitating nature of prescription drug addiction.

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