Appalachia Engages Nation to Focus on Prescription Drug Abuse – Floyd County Times

Prescription Drug Abuse: Appalachia engages nation to focus on prescription drug abuse – Floyd County Times
Citing the importance of a drug-free population to sustainable economic growth, the Appalachian Regional Commission has agreed to serve as Operation UNITE’s exclusive educational partner for the National Rx Drug Abuse Summit next spring. The Summit will …
Prescription Drug Abuse – Bing News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Dramatic rise in substance abuse treatment admission rates from 1999-2009 – News-Medical.Net
In April, the Administration released a comprehensive action plan designed to address the national prescription drug abuse epidemic while protecting the delivery of effective pain-management. Titled “Epidemic: Responding to America’s …
Prescription Drug Abuse – Bing News

Prescription Drug Abuse: New York Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer from The Perecman Firm Calls for End to Over Prescription of Anti-Psychotic Drugs in Nursing Homes – PRWeb
Last week a hearing of the Senate Committee on Aging spotlighted the overuse of antipsychotic drugs among nursing home residents with dementia. The drugs, intended to calm disruptive behavior, were a costly practice that raises the risk of death, said …
Prescription Drug Abuse – Bing News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Police report alarming rise in prescription drug abuse – Idaho State Journal
Prescription drug abuse is on rise among teens and young adults. The Partnership for a Drug-Free America reports that 19% of U.S. teens – roughly 4.5 million youths – reported haven taken prescription painkillers such as Vicodin or OxyContin or …
Prescription Drug Abuse – Bing News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Pharming, Phishing & Trailmixing: Keeping Your Children Safe from Prescription Drug Abuse 3

Presentation by Leigh A. Briscoe-Dwyer, Chief Pharmacy & Medication Safety Officer, North Shore-LIJ Health System & Stephen Carlson, MD, Medical Director of Addiction Psychiatry Services, Dept. of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, SIUH Sponsored by Staten Island University Hospital
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