Florida's Fight Against Prescription Drug Abuse

Prescription Drug Abuse: Florida's Fight Against Prescription Drug Abuse
Seven people die every day in Florida from prescription drug overdoses, by one estimate. Many of those deaths have been linked to pill mills — medical facilities that illegally prescribe or dispense strong narcotics. Local authorities are taking steps to combat the crisis.
Prescription Drug Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

Prescription Drug Abuse: Addicted First Nation struggles with housing
In the First Nation community of Eabametoong in northwestern Ontario, an epidemic of prescription drug abuse is compounding the housing problems.
Prescription Drug Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

Prescription Drug Abuse: Report Calls on Government to Evaluate, Coordinate Education on Prescription Drug Abuse
A report by the Government Accountability Office calls on federal agencies to do a better job of coordinating and assessing the effectiveness of programs to educate prescribers and the public about prescription drug abuse.
Prescription Drug Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

Prescription Drug Abuse: Senator Brown’s Remarks on Cost of Prescription Drug Abuse in Medicare Part D

The Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security (of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, “HSGAC”) held a hearing on Tuesday, October 4, 2011 at 10:30 am in room 342 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building in Washington, DC The hearing addressed: “Costs of Prescription Drug Abuse in the Medicare Part D Program.” Senator Brown discussed his own experience dealing with the problem in Massachusetts.

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