Prescription Drug Abuse: Bringing Awareness to Prescription Drug Abuse

Prescription Drug Abuse: Bringing awareness to prescription drug abuse
Prescription drug abuse affects thousands of Arkansans and local law enforcement agencies are working to help dispose of prescription meds properly.
Prescription Drug Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

Prescription Drug Abuse: Prescription drug take-back Saturday
ONTARIO — As prescription drug abuse continues to rise, two local law enforcement agencies will take part in a nationwide drug take-back program Saturday.
Prescription Drug Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

Prescription Drug Abuse: Prescription drug abuse abetted by family, friends: study
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – More than 70 percent of people who abuse prescription pain relievers obtain the drugs from friends or relatives, usually with permission and for free, according to a government study released on Wednesday. The study, based on an ongoing national survey of nearly 70,000 Americans aged 12 and over, offers a snapshot of a growing health and safety problem that is already …
Prescription Drug Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

Prescription Drug Abuse: Paducah Tilghman – Prescription Drug Abuse Awareness 60-second PSA

A month of work, days of filming, and upwards of 20 hours of editing created this video to share with everyone who is willing to watch. This, along with a 30-second version, will be submitted to the “Only as Prescribed” Initiative Media Contest. Thanks to Emerging Media Productions for letting us use their resources and thank you to everyone who participated. This was a fantastic project!
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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