The Ripple Effect of Substance Abuse (Creativity for a Cause)


The Ripple Effect of Substance Abuse (Creativity for a Cause) – Young adults talk about how their parents’ substance abuse has impacted them in their own lives. By Bethany Yates Song: “Breath In, Breath Out” by Between th…


Opinion: Tom Petri retirement, meth manufacturing
Meth, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, initially causes a rush of good feelings, but ultimately leads to users feeling edgy, overly excited, angry or afraid. It causes medical problems including extreme body temperature, severe …
Read more on The Sheboygan Press

Pot Prohibitionists Will Have to Do Better Than Bill Bennett's BS
According to the headline of an essay by Beach and his boss, former drug czar Bill Bennett, in the May 5 issue of The Weekly Standard, they are also fighting "The Legalization Juggernaut," which presumably is moving with the tide. … As I note in my …
Read more on Reason (blog)