Drug Abuse Statistics: Iowa Substance Abuse Report Highlights Ups and Downs – KCRG.com

Drug Abuse Statistics: Iowa Abuse Report Highlights Ups And Downs – KCRG.com
Terry Branstad stresses the need to more effectively address the increasing abuse of prescription drugs and other emerging drugs. Schouten pointed to state public health statistics that indicate drug overdose deaths from opioids — including the …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: New Chester rehabilitation center opens doors to all comers – Delaware County Daily Times
CHESTER — After two years of educating local youths about the dangers of drug abuse, Martin Chase … to train for jobs,” said Chase. “Statistics show that recovering addicts who become productive in terms of employment and ownership …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: We have to be clear with our children about drug, alcohol use – My West Texas
According to a 2010-11 school year survey by the Palmer Drug Abuse Program, there has been a decrease … but we do wonder how much we should celebrate the new statistics. This is a subject on which we should never let our guard down and a …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

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