Prescription Drug Abuse: Dominion Diagnostics Leads Fight Against Prescription Drug Abuse With Safe Use … – MarketWatch (Press Release)

Prescription Drug Abuse: Dominion Diagnostics Leads Fight Against Prescription Drug Abuse with Safe Use … – MarketWatch (press release)

Dominion Diagnostics Leads Fight Against Prescription Drug Abuse with Safe Use
MarketWatch (press release)
The program aims to support concerned physicians across the United States trying to fight the rising toll of prescription drug abuse. Dominion will launch its Safe Use program with Meet the Experts Sessions at PAINWeek 2011 this week in Las Vegas,

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Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

Prescription Drug Abuse: OCPD receives grant for prescription drug abuse enforcement – WGMD Radio

OCPD receives grant for prescription drug abuse enforcement
WGMD Radio
The National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators has granted the Ocean City Police Department with a $ 5000 cash award for its outstanding work in prescription drug abuse enforcement. The funding comes from Purdue Pharma Pharmaceuticals – and in

Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

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