Posts Tagged ‘Substance’

Coalition Members Battle Substance Abuse

Drug Abuse: Coalition members battle substance abuse
Drug abuse is an ever-changing issue, but local coalition members agree that awareness is still the best defense in the battle against addictive substances.
Drug Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Abuse: Painkiller abuse treated by sustained buprenorphine/naloxone
( NIH/National Institute on Drug Abuse ) People addicted to prescription painkillers reduce their opioid abuse when given sustained treatment with the medication buprenorphine plus naloxone, according to research published in yesterday’s Archives of General Psychiatry and conducted by NIDA, part of the NIH.
Drug Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 9 (Bernama) — The Malaysian Drug Prevention Association(Pemadam) stressed today that efforts to eradicate drug abuse could succeed withpublic involvement in programmes organised by the government andnon-governmental organisations.International Federation of Non-Governmental Organisations for thePrevention of Drug and Substance Abuse (IFNGO) international secretary HamzahSidang …
Drug Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Abuse: White and mixed-race youths rank high in alcohol, substance abuse
The first-ever survey of adolescent alcohol and drug abuse to recognize youths of mixed race or ethnicity has found that such kids hover closest to white adolescents in the rate at which they suffer substance abuse disorders. That is not reassuring, because white adolescents are among the most likely ethnic and racial groups to have substance-use disorders.
Drug Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Abuse Statistics: Narconon East US Now Offering Careers in Fast Growing Substance Abuse Rehab Sector – PR Web (Press Release)

Drug Abuse Statistics: Narconon East US Now Offering Careers In Fast Growing Substance Abuse Rehab Sector – PR Web (press release)

Narconon East US Now Offering Careers In Fast Growing Substance Abuse Rehab Sector
PR Web (press release)
In Florida alone, there are 7 deaths a day from prescription drug abuse. The recently released Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) 2008-09 Occupational Outlook shows the Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder Counselors sector is expected to experience a

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Penn State scandal casts much-needed spotlight on child sex abuse – Los Angeles Times

ABC News

Penn State scandal casts much-needed spotlight on child sex abuse
Los Angeles Times
So many of society's problems — prostitution, violent crime, drug use, high school dropout rates and teenage pregnancy rates — can be traced to a root in early childhood sexual abuse, she said. "Society wrings its hands about all of these things and
Heath Evans on Jerry Sandusky, Joe Paterno and Penn

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Prescription Drug Abuse: Narconon East US Now Offering Careers in Fast Growing Substance Abuse Rehab Sector

Prescription Drug Abuse: Narconon East US Now Offering Careers In Fast Growing Substance Abuse Rehab Sector
Narconon East US now providing career training in the fast growing substance abuse rehab sector which includes substance abuse prevention education.Clearwater, FL (PRWEB) November 09, 2011 Narconon East US is now providing career training on an immediate basis in the fast growing substance abuse rehab sector which includes substance abuse prevention education. Prescription drug abuse now leads …
Prescription Drug Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

Prescription Drug Abuse: Prescription-abuse babies a growing ‘crisis’
MANATEE — There’s a growing epidemic of babies being born addicted to prescription drugs ingested by young mothers, representatives of substance abuse organizations told county commissioners Tuesday.
Prescription Drug Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

Prescription Drug Abuse: Drug drop-offs combat abuse of prescription medications
As we see a rise in prescription drug abuse in the Chippewa Valley, the Eau Claire County Sheriff’s Department is urging people to properly dispose of unwanted medications.
Prescription Drug Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Abuse Statistics: Iowa Substance Abuse Report Highlights Ups and Downs –

Drug Abuse Statistics: Iowa Substance Abuse Report Highlights Ups And Downs –
Terry Branstad stresses the need to more effectively address the increasing abuse of prescription drugs and other emerging drugs. Schouten pointed to state public health statistics that indicate drug overdose deaths from opioids — including the …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: New Chester rehabilitation center opens doors to all comers – Delaware County Daily Times
CHESTER — After two years of educating local youths about the dangers of drug abuse, Martin Chase … to train for jobs,” said Chase. “Statistics show that recovering addicts who become productive in terms of employment and ownership …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: We have to be clear with our children about drug, alcohol use – My West Texas
According to a 2010-11 school year survey by the Palmer Drug Abuse Program, there has been a decrease … but we do wonder how much we should celebrate the new statistics. This is a subject on which we should never let our guard down and a …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Causes of Drug Abuse: Depression and Substance Abuse: The Chicken or the Egg? – Psych Centra

Causes of Drug Abuse: Depression and Substance Abuse: The Chicken or the Egg? – Psych Centra
There’s a saying in the recovery movement: Alcohol and drug addiction can cause mental illness but mental illness does … Because of their personal life-shattering experiences with substance abuse, some people in recovery are leery of using any drugs …
Causes of Drug Abuse – Bing News

Causes of Drug Abuse: Assess causes of GBV in communities – Mitali – Rwanda New Times
Mitali noted that the persistence of GBV and child abuse called for sustainable campaigns. “It is important that we make a thorough research and assessment of causes of GBV … the Governor blamed the vice on drugs and consumption of illicit alcohol …
Causes of Drug Abuse – Bing News

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Causes of Drug Abuse: Substance Abuse on the Rise Among Baby Boomers

Causes of Drug Abuse: Substance Abuse on the Rise Among Baby Boomers
Contact: Julia Gaynor, Affect, +1-212-398-9680, [email protected]
Causes of Drug Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

Causes of Drug Abuse: Health Works: UT researchers study addiction
Researchers at the University of Texas are breaking down the differences between alcohol abuse and chemical dependency.
Causes of Drug Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

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