What Is the Past Participle of “Binge Drinking”?

Question by Code Monkey: What is the past participle of “binge drinking”?
Im writing a paper and I need to figure out how to word this sentence:
“They report that 15% of the adult American population has binge drunk five or more drinks on a single occasion”

“binge drunk” doesn’t seem right… the past part. of “binge” is “binged”, but am assuming you would not change it because it is a noun in this case. Any thoughts?
This is the right excerpt:
“They report that 15% of the adult American population has binge drunk, meaning they have consumed five or more drinks on a single occasion”

Best answer:

Answer by That One Girl
According to a report, fifteen percent of the adult American population has had five or more alcholoic drinks on a single occasion, causing them to binge drink.

Answer by maurtendo
I think binge drinking would work for all forms, making the above sentence: “They report that 15% of the adult American population have gone binge drinking, having five or more drinks on a single occasion.”

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