Causes of Drug Abuse: Help…………………………..?

Question by John Doe: Help…………………………..?
About 3 months ago I was on the high track, i had 4 college scholarships accepted, I was on the dean’s list, and in honor society in college.
However, when my friend came over one day, he gave me some ecstasy. Ever since i seem to have realized that we live in a fake world, you know? I find everything irrelevant to life…
They got my scholarships denied on “suspicion of drug abuse” because one of my friends snitched. That got me kicked out of honor society and dean’s list.
My gpa dropped like crazy cause i havent gone to classes in 2 months My gpa is 1.4 at the moment.
MY life is going downhill….fast…im thinking of ending this bullcrap

Best answer:

Answer by Cheese
Why do you think they call it dope? Lose the drugs, and do what you did before to get you to where you were before. By the way, lose the friend too.

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