What Is the Truth About Drugs?

Question by Scotty B: What is the truth about drugs?
This has really been bothering me. I know there are drugs used as medicines to help with headaches and so on. I know they can be abused as well. I know drug abuse is the use of using drugs with out the intention of medical use. I always hear about drug abuse can lead to addiction and tolerance level builds up and with drawl when ever the person stops taking the drug. I know there are illegal drugs they have no positive use from it. Like Heroin and cocaine is very dangerous to you health. I know there is a program for kids called just say no. a lot of people say those programs are bunch of bull shit and trying to scare you away from having a good time. They say dru abusers often have a hard time holding a job or doing good in school. it seems like the person thinks it is bad but once the person takes them they think well this is not that bad and you cannot get addicted to it. People say if you use it moderately you will do just fine but people who have used it say it will not stay moderately forever. What is true and what is not. I need good advice i do not know if this will help this is a site for peoples opinion no actual factual information. please help i do not want to make a wrong decision.
People online say i have smoked pot for 30 years and have a nice family and kids and hold a wonderul job. Tome if your a father and do drugs is that really setting a good example for your kids. People say LSD will also expands your mind to new things and people say ecstasy is not bad and is not addictive either. What is true and what isn’t

Best answer:

Answer by Alaric
almost everything u heard is utter nonsense. but i do not encourage people to take illegal substances and i do not take themselves. instead i urge that we all fight to (a) scrap the disastrous laws that we have which have produced millions of “criminals” and have fed billions or trillions of dollars into foreign and domestic organized crime groups and made them powerful enough to take over whole countries, and (b) give a blanket amnesty to everybody convinced under these barbaric laws going back to the beginning of the 20th century, and (c) scrap the international treaties forcing other countries to follow the same insane rules.

Answer by DM
Here’s the thing Scotty, anything made from a chemical base is useless and unsafe because you don’t really know what they put in there. LSD- some people take it many times and enjoy their experiences. MOST others go through the stomach cramps and a crappy ending to their trip. My neighbors used to visit me on the down part of their trips. It was not fun for me. I know a woman who’s brother took it ONCE in the late 70’s and is STILL in an institution to this day.
Ex, same thing? Who made it and what crap are you ingesting? Meth- that’s a no. No need to say anything more.
Coke is soooooooo cut now, you aren’t getting the same drug others got in the 80’s for instance.
Heroin, I only saw this once and the guy was a mess- plus, needles, yuk.
So that pretty much leaves you with pot and alcohol. If you know who is supplying the weed, you’re golden as long as you don’t get lazy. I think you should read up on long term affects first to make a clear decision. Alcohol- well, it IS addictive and trouble does brew- use it cautiously.