Drug Addiction and Its Effects

Drug addiction, or Alcohol addiction, is also (more medically correct) named as drug dependence. This condition is defined as the regular or repeated intake of drugs. The individual may feel an overpowering urge, or compulsion, to continue the drug consumption, may also tend to increase the dosage of drugs, and other psychological conditions. One should know that he/she is addicted to drugs when they will feel that the drug is the only thing that is keeping them going, and without it, they cannot function properly. The more the person thinks like this, the more the brain will create a sensation of ‘feel good’ after the dosage is given. Sometimes the person experiences physical signs too, when he/she is kept from taking the drug of his/her choice. It is better to opt for an alcohol rehab or drug rehab to help these people.

Physical reactions

Each drug is supposed to enact, on its user’s body, different symptoms and signatures. Drug addiction like that of Heroin, or meth, can differ, in physical reaction than that of alcohol addiction. Drugs work by replacing, or temporarily producing, the same chemical element that the brain would otherwise have produced naturally. For example, some drugs are supposed to tranquilize the body, whereas some are supposed to produce extra testosterone (to give you energy). Due to this, the drug addition is so bad. Slowly, the brain will lose the power to produce the testosterone naturally, as the content it produces will not be enough, as required by the body. This results in the increment of the usage of the drugs, to maintain the level of ecstasy. The experts in a drug rehab or alcohol rehab help the sufferers to get rid of this habit.


Psychological reactions

With testosterone, and certain other chemicals, which the brain produces, does to us is change our emotional mood/state. Drug does the same thing, but illegally. Therefore, when the brain is no longer producing the chemical, the mood is totally dependent on the drugs. As a result, the individual has improper and often mood swings. It happens when the individual has had a rough year, life, etc. and wants to see the upside of things, or feel positive, and give in to drugs. He/she thinks (before taking the drugs) that this will be the only time, until they become the prey of drug addiction.

There are various drug rehab centers that may be visited by the eager ones, to get rid of the drug addiction. There are various ways which these centers use to treat the addicted persons. The number of people visiting the alcohol rehab centers is much more than that of the individuals in drug rehabs.

To prevent the drug addiction one should be careful not to take any step towards drug usage. Situations in life come up often and in different ways; drugs is no way to deal with them. If you feel that you are getting addicted to drugs, asking for help is the best alternative. Ask your closed ones to help; they will be glad to.

We can offer perfect cure to the problem of Drug Addiction. Get assistance from the best of drug rehab and Alcohol Rehab specialists.

Drug Addiction: Drug and Alcohol Awareness Course Online: Alcohol and Drug Course in Substance Awareness

workexcel.net – This drug and alcohol awareness course online meets the DOT one-hour alcohol and one-hour drug signs and symptoms education and training mandate. Every state must meet this mandate – Texas TX, Florida FL, etc. The program is 158 images, and includes multiple handouts for reading and review during the Drug and Alcohol Awareness Course Online, and questions and answers for the student. The program online will issue a Certificate of Completion The drug and alcohol awareness course online is not designed to teach supervisors how to diagnose alcoholism or drug addiction with those they supervise. Instead this awareness course provides supervisors with information necessary to increase awareness about troubled employee behaviors and help supervisors avoid mismanagement of employees who may have alcohol or drug problems by discussing the signs and symptoms and effects and dangers in the workplace. Since supervisors monitor performance, they can ideally be part of an early warning system for spotting performance problems that could be due alcohol or drug use. What this drug and alcohol awareness course online includes is information about the disease of alcoholism and drug addiction; the impact of workplace substance abuse; common myths and misconceptions; about tolerance and cross tolerance; understanding loss of control, denial, avoiding armchair diagnosing, stopping enabling, a long list of signs and symptoms, and imprinted, date-stamped, certificate of
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