Drug Addiction: Why Is It Okay to Look Down on Me and Be Rude Because I’m a Smoker?

Question by Mr.Tall: Why is it okay to look down on me and be rude because I’m a smoker?
If I were a drug addict or alcoholic I could go to rehab where doctors and staff would help me 24/7 to face my “issues” and rid me of my habit. If I were 100lbs over weight I could go Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers or any other of the countless groups out there to get support in losing my “food addiction” along with the weight. But because I smoke cigarettes complete strangers feel it is okay to tell me how bad cigarettes are for me, that it’s a filthy habit and give me dirty looks.
What gives? I’m not breaking the law, I’m not stealing from other people to feed my habit, and since you can no longer smoke indoors anywhere, I am pretty much harming only myself.
If it’s not acceptable to tell an overweight person to put down that big mac then why is it okay to slam smokers?
Who said I smoke around other people? Outside is not good enough for you? Do you seriously believe the smoke from my cigarette will hurt you more than the 5,000 trucks and cars running down any given street on any given day will? And yes, drug addicts do hurt quite a few other people, but that wasn’t my point. You made my point. Because you don’t like it you feel you are right in being rude.

Best answer:

Answer by pab
because people are self rightous idiots

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