Prescription Drug Abuse: I Hear Many Libs Saying They Won’t Listen to Rush Because He Is a Fat Drug Addict?

Question by Creep 411: I hear many Libs saying they won’t listen to Rush because he is a fat drug addict?
Do any of these people remember that Obama admitted to using both pot and coke? BOTH drugs are illegal in the USA while Rush got addicted to painkillers after a surgery and you could probably blame the Dr’s for getting him started on it?
Why are prescription pain killers “drug abuse” while pot use and coke use are “nothing to speak of”?
If you are talking drug abuse, Rush used legal drugs, supposedly Clinton never inhaled and Obama deliberately used pot and coke? Are these even the same? If Rush had never been given pain medication by a Dr. he never would be addicted. But Obama was using drugs without a Dr. involved and nobody cares evidently.
So, how can you cap on Rush for drugs but not Obama too??
Indy conservative looking for justice……
of course Obama never admitted he was addicted, he wanted to be elected so he lied! Hello!!!
so, a politicain coked out is cool but a radio personality on painkillers is a junkie? What reality are we living in anyways??
and GW did coke and was ridiculed but Obama does it and it’s suddenly “cool”? WHAT????

Best answer:

Answer by M.V.P(I NEED A JOB!)
Nah. I don’t listen to Boss because there are better things to do than listen to a racist bald fat guy, that really has no life……plus, who listens to the Radio? Ever heard of internet?

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Prescription Drug Abuse: DEA suspends pharmaceutical wholesaler
Citing the prescription drug abuse problems in southern Ohio, Northern Kentucky and Florida, Robert L. Corso, special agent in charge of the Detroit Field Division, Drug Enforcement Administration …
Read more on Portsmouth Daily Times

Prescription Drug Abuse: The Cross Still Stands (Fighting Prescription Drug Abuse)

Fighting the battle against prescription drug abuse. Music: Craig Avens Soundtrack: Brentwood Benson Music Copyright: Please contact me if there is any issue with content. Please join in the battle against prescription drug abuse.
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