Why Is It So Common for Folks to Want to Talk About Illegal Drug Use at Workplaces?

Question by : Why is it so common for folks to want to talk about illegal drug use at workplaces?
A lot of people want to discuss how they don’t partake, or how some horrible family member who is an embarrassment to them is so “addicted” and to strangers at that. Do people not realize A. Not appropriate for the workplace B. Nobody cares C. Nobody cares. Just curious if anyone else has experienced the workplace acting and comedy routines that are common in the Midwest.

Best answer:

Answer by coolette22
To make them feel better about their own alcoholism.

Answer by button up
The government passed legislation requiring employers to drug test employees about twenty years ago. Employers were required to assume the responsibility of rehabilitation or termination. Discussions about drugs at the work place became much more common.

Drug use in the US is a serious problem.

People talking among themselves must have a common interest. Those most uncomfortable with the conversations are probably users of drugs or sympathetic with legalization of drugs in the US. They should find other employees to converse with.


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