Teens Who Consume Energy Drinks More Likely to Use Alcohol and Drugs

Teens who consume energy drinks more likely to use alcohol and drugs
Philadelphia, Pa. (February 4, 2014) – Nearly one-third of US adolescents consume high-caffeine energy drinks or "shots," and these teens report higher rates of alcohol, cigarette, or drug use, reports a study in the January/February Journal of …
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Lori Boyajian-O'Neill: Teens falling prey to dangerous drugs
Teens are particularly susceptible to the long-term effects of drugs on brain development. The human brain continues to develop into early to mid-20s. The pre-frontal cortex, in the front part of the brain, is the last to develop. It is the area of the …
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School drug tests ineffective in keeping teens away from substance abuse
The drug testing, being done in about 20 percent of high schools in the United States, is generally administered to students who participate in sports and after-school clubs, and those who are suspected to be using drugs. However, in a new study …
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