Is the Word “addict” an Abstract Term?

Question by Plain Jane: Is the word “addict” an abstract term?
I posted a question earlier asking for abstract terms for a speech I am writing for com. 101. Anyway I was wondering if addict was an abstract term. Or maybe junkie is…


Best answer:

Answer by Mickey D
Abstract terms are ideas, but both “addict” and “junkie” are concrete nouns, not abstract nouns at all. Perhaps you are confusing “abstract” with either “colloquial” or “slang?”

OED says an “abstraction” is: “he result of abstracting: the idea of something which has no independent existence; a thing which exists only in idea; something visionary.”

As opposed to “concrete,” which is “Combined with, or embodied in matter, actual practice, or a particular example; existing in a material form or as an actual reality, or pertaining to that which so exists. Opposed to abstract.”

Answer by J.S.
Addict is not abstract because it refers to something (someone) you can see and touch, so it is concrete. Being an addict is a medical and/ or psychological condition.

Ideas like freedom and success are abstract, because you can’t see them or touch them, and people define them differently.

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