Why Would Teen Drug Abuse Be One of Socitys Issues ?

Question by Tory V: Why would teen drug abuse be one of socitys issues ?
thers not much other details…that it the question. or you could answer this on IS teen drug abuse one of socitys issues?…im not sure…but i do need a topic about teen drug abuse and how it affects socity…a town and the world

Best answer:

Answer by John
Cuz teens are STOOPID!!

Answer by rebel_squall_leonhart
Teen drug abuse is a problem because those years of the life are the most influential of the rest of the person’s life. Drug use will lower a person’s potential greatly (a person that may have gone on to become a medical doctor will drop out of high school etc). Many drugs also have permanent effects on the mind and body, again lower a person’s potential for the other 60-80 years of their life.

Drug use serves no purpose but to make a person ‘happy’ for a short period of time and carries a great weight with it. Alcoholism is similar but usually much less severe than prolonged use of coccaine.

Even things that get tossed around as ‘evil’ like violent video games still serve some sort postive function to an individual. Drug use has no function and only takes away from society.