Which Energy Drink Do You Swear By?

Question by AtiaoftheJulii: Which energy drink do you swear by?
According to the FDA, They’re not going to kill you. But many of these increasingly popular drinks contain significant amounts of caffeine, which can make you jittery and cause insomnia, as well as loads of sugar, which nobody needs. Worse, these drinks are often marketed to kids and teenagers, many of whom already struggle with their weight and don’t need to add a caffeine addiction. “Energy drinks are rip-offs,” said Bruce Silverglade , legal director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a Washington, D.C.-based consumer watchdog group that has been trying, unsuccessfully, to get the US Food and Drug Administration to force manufacturers to list the amount of caffeine on product labels.

I drink Vault!

Best answer:

Answer by vjaxxon
hansens diet red (no sugar)
rock star w/juice tastes good, but i hate the huge cans and the sugar.

they aren’t good for all the time drinking, but for when you need a blast of instant energy, they are great!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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