Is Cutting Bad? Is It Rele an “addiction”?

Question by applebry23: is cutting bad? is it rele an “addiction”?
??????? anything helps me here

Best answer:

Answer by dizzydreamr090
yes it can become an addiction for many.

Answer by ?Wireless?
Im 13 and last year i was clinically depressed so i turned to cutting. The first time i had no idea what i was doing one minute i was crying in my room next i was racing for the kitchen knife in hand and then i was in the bathroom slicing at my wrists my legs and thing i could get my hand on. When i came to my sense’s i just had a complete mental breakdown.

After 4 months of this i turned for help. Learned that cutting releases endorphins that make people feel good. I still wouldn’t recommend anyone doing it people usually do when they have serious depression problems.

I use to cut myself hoping the physical pain would over power the mental pain.
To this day i wear an elastic band around my wrist’s and flick myself when i feel the urge to cut.


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