Why Is Cindy McCain’s Drug Addiction Discounted?

Question by : Why is Cindy McCain’s drug addiction discounted?
When living in S Carolina in 1999, I received a phone call from a polling organizaion asking me how I felt about Mrs McCain’s drug “addiction”. I later learned that this organization was working for Dr Karl Rove who was Gov Bush’s campaign manager in the Republican primaries.

I thought little of it until the issue came up again in the current campaign.

While I may have trivalized Mrs McCain’s drug dependency, Great Americans like Dr Rove and Gov Bush did not. They did not want the White House turned into a Betty Ford clinic.

To the best of my knowledge, neither Dr Rove nor President Bush have reputiated their claim that Cindy McCain was, in effect, a druggie and so inappropriate for First Lady.

Real Conservatives, like Dr Rove, “W” and Rush Limbaugh take a hard line on pill poppers and we should respect their sage wisdom.

If the claims of 1999 were true and, according to the “zero tolerance” set by heros like Rush, Mrs McCain must forfeit her title if Mr McCain wins.

Best answer:

Answer by Edy S
rush bimbo discounted it

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