Drug Addiction: Drugs Addiction and Its Gradual Development

Why do people go for drugs addiction? This is one of the most common questions that is asked. Well there are various reasons for that.  It might have begun with a curiosity which gradually developed into a kind of drug addiction. Sometimes genetics, familial and environmental problems may be the reasons for drug addiction. It has been found that teenagers mainly suffer from the drug addiction.

Through survey it has been found that the prescription drug abuse is different from the usage of illegal drugs. In fact the prescription drugs are much more easily available than the illegal drugs that are not easily available.  It has been found through medical research that addiction is a complex problem which occurs in the brain and is sometimes accompanied with compulsive cravings. If you use the drugs continuously, there are chances that it might alter the normal functions of the brain. As a result, these affect the ability of thinking, judgment and also some of the behavioral functions. In fact it can be said that the changes that occur are mainly due to the drug cravings and compulsions that the victim undergoes.

According to the research conducted by the different centers for disease control and prevention it has been found that prescription drugs addiction is on rise in the recent years and almost 20% of the teenagers have confessed that they are victims of daily drug use.  In fact the addiction begins with an experimentation process and slowly it develops into a compulsion. As the process of drugs addiction continues, the victim cannot compromise with the compulsion of taking the drugs.  So what was only experimentation in the beginning gradually turned into a physical and psychological compulsion later on. But the good news is that you can treat it through proper treatment and care.

The effects of drug abuse might have serious consequences on your physical and mental health. The more drugs start taking control over your daily life, it is very obvious that you are crossing the level from drug use to abuse and finally to drug addiction.  It has been found that the victim usually denies the addition that he is undergoing. Continuous usage of drugs may lead to negative impacts on the life. If you could recognize any of the symptoms of addiction, it is always better to talk to a senior person. The more earlier you seek the help, the better is it for the victim.

Some of the commonest reasons for prescription drug abuse is a history of addiction in the family, any kind of traumatic experience in the childhood days like abuse or any kind of neglect. It can also be due to some of the mental disorders like depression and anxiety related to some of the social and economic problems. Sometimes early usage of drugs may be the potent factor for the rise in drug addiction.  So if the addict is suffering from addiction, it is always better to seek the help of the doctor at the earliest. With time and effort it is possible to bring back the victim to normal life.

Ricky Koopman is an experienced author, writing on effects of drug abuse. His knowledge on this subject is vast and enviable. Koopman’s writings reflect several drug related issues like daily drug use, drug addiction treatments and so on. For more information on drug addiction please visit the site:http://www.dailydrugabuse.info/.

Drug Addiction: Steve O Demise and Rise Part 1

Steve O Rise and Demise part 1. I just got done reading his new book,”Professional Idiot” and this MTV special goes along with what happens in his book. It is exactly the same thing that happened in part of his book. I JUST COMPLETED READING “PROFESSIONAL IDIOT”. I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN!!!!!!!! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT TO ANYONE AND EVERYONE!!!!!!!!Starring Steve-0 Glover, Johny Knoxville, Chris Pontius, Bam Margera, Ryan Dunn, Wee Man, Jeff Tremaine, Big Regg, Cindy Glover (sister), Ted Glover (Dad), Dr Drew Pinsky, Jimmy Kimmel, Adam Carrola, etc. This video displays Steve-O’s early life as an aspiring stuntman, leading to his downfall of drug addiction and abuse, and then all the way up until the beginning of his sobriety.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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