Ashland to Apply for $625000 Drug Free Community Grant – MetroWest Daily News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Ashland to apply for 5000 drug free community grant – MetroWest Daily News

Ashland to apply for $ 625000 drug free community grant
MetroWest Daily News
The study also measures prescription drug use, which remains unchanged since 2006, and marijuana use, which has increased from 20 to 24 percent since 2006. Decisions at Every Turn co-chairwomen Amy Turncliff and Claudia Rose said they want to reverse

Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Lee College hosts drug awareness symposium – Liberty Vindicator

Lee College hosts drug awareness symposium
Liberty Vindicator
BAYTOWN, TX – Students and residents will have the opportunity to join the fight against prescription drug abuse when Lee College hosts the Kill Pill, Vol. II Drug Awareness Symposium on Thursday, Sept. 15. Sponsored by the Drug Enforcement

Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

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