Drug Abuse Statistics: Drug Abuse Epidemic Also Doctors’ Fault – Softpedia

Drug Statistics: Drug Abuse Epidemic Also Doctors’ Fault – Softpedia
Recent statistics released in the United States show that prescription drug abuse has climbed to the rank of epidemic, with a large portion of the people taking such medication doing so without respecting directions. Doctors’ ignorance and ready access to …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: First Lady sounds alarm on drug abuse – Rwanda New Times
“Alcohol and drug abuse almost destroyed my life and future. My advice to the youths who are on drugs is that they should stop it with immediate effect, and those who are not yet there, you should not try it,” he counseled. According to police …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Rwanda: Youth Warned Against Drugs, Alcohol – AllAfrica.com
Drug abuse and alcohol consumption have also been linked to … “We want all the stakeholders to commit to addressing these challenges”. Police statistics indicate that, between July and November, last year, more than two tonnes of Marijuana …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

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