Richland County Smoking Statistics Take Turn for Worse – Mansfield News Journal

Drug Abuse Statistics: Richland County smoking statistics take turn for worse – Mansfield News Journal

Richland County smoking statistics take turn for worse
Mansfield News Journal
The department coordinates with Community Action for Capable Youth (CACY), which targets schools for drug– and alcohol-prevention efforts. Through work with students, parents and community groups, the agency reached more than 6200 people last year.

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Medicaid restricts painkillers on reports of abuse – The News Journal

Medicaid restricts painkillers on reports of abuse
The News Journal
About 42600 Delaware Medicaid patients took narcotics in 2011, putting in claims for 212558 prescriptions — making it the the most-prescribed class of drugs — state statistics show. The cost: $ 11 million in state and federal dollars just for the

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: On crime in Cape Town – Helen Zille – Politicsweb

On crime in Cape Town – Helen Zille
It's clear that if we want to take South African cities off "murder capital" lists we need to start reducing the rate of alcohol and drug abuse in our country, which is shifting billions away from frontline services each year and destroying the social

Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Drug tests of workforce in Waikato rise 78pc in year –

Drug tests of workforce in Waikato rise 78pc in year
While nearly 400 people, out of the 5100 who underwent urine analysis last year, returned positive readings for various drugs. Statistics from the New Zealand Drug Detection Agency, one of the country's largest private screening companies,

Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

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