Prescription Drug Abuse: Letters: Medicine Cabinet Also a Source of Abuse – USA Today

Prescription Drug Abuse: Letters: Medicine cabinet also a source of abuse – USA Today
… TODAY’s editorial “Prescription drugs deaths demand attention” shines a welcome spotlight on the epidemic of prescription drug abuse and related overdose deaths (Feb. 21). The editorial details some of the approaches that are being adopted …
Prescription Drug Abuse – Bing News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Drug czar meets with Appalachian governors –
FRANKFORT, Ky. — The White House drug czar described the prescription drug abuse epidemic that’s ravaging the Appalachians as “simply heartbreaking” in a meeting with governors from the region on Sunday. National Drug Control Policy Director …
Prescription Drug Abuse – Bing News

Prescription Drug Abuse: How prescription drug abuse costs you money – CNN Money
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — One study puts the potential overall cost of painkiller abuse at more than $ 70 billion a year. Pill addicts who shop around for doctors to score prescriptions cost insurers $ 10,000 to $ 15,000 apiece. The toll in lost …
Prescription Drug Abuse – Bing News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Governor’s Office on Drug Control: Mary PSA

A 30-second TV PSA discussing the implications of prescription drug abuse. Learn about ME&V Nonprofit Marketing:

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