How CAN You Be “addicted” to Food?
Question by worlds_weakest_w0man: How CAN you be “addicted” to food?
Food is not like drugs. Unlike supposed “food addicts”, or anyone at all for that matter, drug addicts are capaple of being completely deprived of drugs with no physical reprocussions. Such people can claim to be addicted to drugs because of the emonional complications they experience when completely deprived of drugs even though it does absolutely no physical harm. Food, on the other hand, is different. Everyone needs food to survive, and being completely deprived of it can have serious consequences. Some may say that a said “addiction” to food is a constant desire to eat, but at the same time it is really only possible for most normal people to eat so much without feeling no more desire to eat at that time. So is there really such a thing as an “addiction” to food? How can any ONE person claim to be “addicted” to food when EVERYONE has to have food to survive? You may as well say we are ALL “addicted” to food.
Best answer:
Answer by jamustrip
All that being said… you have never been to Lovejoy’s Kansas City BBQ… eat there one time and then come talk to me.
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