What Exactly Is a “Human Services” Degree?

Question by jackdaniels16555: What Exactly Is A “Human Services” Degree?
I am looking at a grad school and they have a large “school of human services”. The degrees are all over the place though. They range from mental health counseling to health care administration to emergency management to various public safety degrees. Is “human services” just a code word for “crap we can’t fit in any other field”? It is obvious what other schools with in a university consist of such as “school of psychology” or “school of mathematics” or “school of biological sciences”. What exactly is the field of “human services” entail?

Best answer:

Answer by Britt
Probably any degree (that doesn’t fit into other schools) that you would have direct contact in helping the public

Answer by ariesguy_78
A human services degree equips students with the skills required to serve clients in a variety of public outreach organizations. Human services graduates work alongside social workers, detectives, doctors, and other specialists who help individuals tackle major challenges in their lives. Many human services programs provide intervention for citizens with substance abuse problems or victims of crime or violence.


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