Op-Ed: Treating Addiction Like a Disease – Medically Assisted Treatment

Op-Ed: Treating addiction like a disease – medically assisted treatment
Addicts know the pain and suffering associated with drug and alcohol dependence but many addicts are seeking help with new forms of treatment that work in medications to affect the chemistry of the brain, in conjunction with traditional therapy …
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Epilepsy Drug Gabapentin Shows Promise In Treating Alcohol Dependence
Another medication, acamprosate, is thought to help restore the chemical balance in the brains of alcohol-dependent people after they stop drinking, and the third, naltrexone, blocks the brain's opiod receptors and has been shown to ease addicts …
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El Paso Alcohol Rehab Launches Program Aimed at Reducing Drinking
El Paso, TX (PRWEB) November 28, 2013. An El Paso alcohol rehab center has launched a new program geared to helping ethnic groups better understand how alcoholism affects their lives in a negative way through Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centers.
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Alcohol Addiction Treatments – Watch Now – Visit: http://tov1.net/addiction-alcohol – Alcohol Addiction Treatments — Rehabilitation treatment Handling all types of addictions, Is alcohol, drug use or…