How Widespread Is Alcohol and Drug Abuse by Juveniles Today?

Question by Just Curious: How widespread is alcohol and drug abuse by juveniles today?

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It depends on what you’re considering “abuse”. I would say regular usage counts as abuse, while simply trying something once or twice does not. The majority of teenagers will experiment with drugs and alcohol at some point, but only a small percentage will become regular users. Alcohol abuse is more common than drugs because alcohol is easier to access. However, the sale of drugs in school is pretty prevalent and drugs are by no means difficult for teens to obtain. Males are more likely to use drugs or drink alcohol than females.

With drugs, it depends on the type of drug. Most of those who experiment with drugs will probably try marijuana. They might take pain killers or other pills without a prescription. Most teenagers will not try “hard” drugs like cocaine and heroin. Some might experiment with party drugs like MDMA or psychoactives like LSD, but most will not. Alcohol and marijuana use are probably the most commonly used drugs by teens.

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