Questions for Fellow Christians?

Question by Sweetie 07: Questions for Fellow Christians?
How do you get a particular promise from God. I know that God promises many things in the His Word but sometimes I hear people say how God promised them this or that for example some say “Well, God promised me that He will save my husband” or “God promised me that He will deliver my aunt from her drug addiction” but how do you know if God is promising you something so personal and particular. And how can I get a promise from God about saving my friend who is lost and blind to the Word?

Best answer:

Answer by Esther
Are you born again in Christ? If you are, go to His word. In the book of John, Jesus states, “whatever you ask in my name, it shall be given to you”. This is of course, if it is God’s will. With regard to salvation, what is God’s will?

“God is not willing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance”.

You have already been given many precious promises, and this is one. Pray for salvation for your friend, in the name of Jesus, and wait on the Lord. Don’t cease in your prayers. You will see His deliverance one day.

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