What Method of Human Farming Would You Prefer?

Question by : What method of human farming would you prefer?

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Answer by Reinhardt C
well first they must be genetically engineered as to not get all uppity and try to escape, or at least bred into stupidity
then one must go about making the males (and sometimes females as well) sterile, as to avoid fighting over mates

farming would then be relatively easy,
the first stages of life should be accomplished in a factory setting, to provide the maximum ammount of fats and growth hormone treatments while they have greatest effect. cow milk is thicker than human milk and also encourages growth.
this process should be expidited through hormones and other steroid treatments, as intelligence need not be developed, only muscle and tissue.

the second stage of life, “toddlers” should be transfered (at least by age 2.5 years) to a more open environment. at this stage food may be provided through a trough, and a field or feed lot could be used to encourage growth through movement. human growth hormone should be used in water excessively, and testosterone should be administered to all genders. sterilization should occur at this point.

by the “adolescence” stage, when humans reach a height of 4 to 5 feet, (with hormones this may be accomplished as early as 5 years, humans may be used for various mechanical uses, and other menial labor. humans are generally not a capable draft animal, however they may be used as such. addictive substances may be used to compel humans to work, for the reward of said “treats”(mental health need not be considered).
at this phase, human growth hormone may be discontinued, and testosterone consumption should increase in the diet.
the peak farming efficiency happens when the humans reach the average height of 5.5 feet, and a weight of 170 pounds. 18% body fat is ideal. humans about this range are ready for slaughter

on food…
throughout the process of human farming, food must be provided
humans generally consume a protien based diet, human flesh may be included in this diet, vitamin C needs to be provided to prevent scurvy, all other vitamins are unnececary.

on captivity
humans must stay in the environments provided, for example electric fences provide excelent discouragment. sterilization and hormones will generally damage brain development, and humans should be bred for stupidity, as well as physical qualities depending on the desired commercial result. entertainment should not be provided. humans identified to be diseased should be immediately slaughtered, and returned to the food supply. antibiotics may be administered through food. vaccination is expensive and is not recomended unless mandated by “”law””.

communication and language. language should not be allowed within envoronments containing farmed humans. talking about the humans (especially during the earliest stages) is not recomended. Farm employees should write instructions to one another. Human babies should immediately be removed from the mothers. At the crucial times of language development, sensory deprivation or sensory overload may be used to consistenlty hamper language development. Permanent deafness is a possible solution to the communication problem, however feeding may become more difficult at later times) all signs of communication between any two humans should be swiftly met with the harshest possible punishment (without destruction of the crop), however a persistent example of “intelligence” or “Communication” should be snuffed out completely and returned in the fodder or feed
groups of humans should be dispersed if detected, however groups congregating in the shade are often non-communicating and are not a threat

well, that is human farming, in a nutshell
the most efficient methods possible at our dispoasal!

potential uses for a human crop include
food for intelligent human consumers, food related products such as cooking oil, pets, mechanical labor, leather products, fertilizer, diesel fuel, and much more

at the current time, human farming is not permissible in the USA
developing nations with airable land are preferable.
a large portion of land may be used to hide from legal quandries, such possibilities include rainforest based nations, or otherwise

other countries are more receptive to such endeavors, for certain taxes and other fees for specific officials of course.

finally, some countries are currently law free, and are “policed” by the UN. these nations will likely welcome your “factory” and will leave any operation with a sufficient “cover story” alone

good luck, i am sure i forgot a few details, but don’t worry i bet you can figure it all out

Answer by big oll
Fat farming would be profitable!


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