Heroin-Related Deaths Up Sharply in Connecticut

Heroin-Related Deaths Up Sharply In Connecticut
Increase Mirrors National Trend; Attorney General Vows To Fight 'Urgent Public Health Crisis' SOURCE: Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. Data are preliminary; further investigation could identify other causes of death in some cases. Accidental heroin deaths in Connecticut last year were up 48 percent from 2012, mirroring a trend across New England and the nation that the U.S. Attorney General … Causes of Drug Abuse – Yahoo News Search Results


US cocaine use cut by half, while marijuana consumption jumps, study finds
( RAND Corporation ) A new study shows that the use of cocaine dropped by half across the United States from 2006 to 2010, while use of marijuana jumped by more than 30 percent during the period. Studying illegal drug use nationally from 2000 to 2010, researchers found heroin use was fairly stable throughout the decade. Causes of Drug Abuse – Yahoo News Search Results


Govt urged to gazette 'Ketum' leaves as dangerous drug
BALING : The government has been urged to gazette abuse of 'ketum' leaves under the Dangerous Drugs Act to curb various social problems occurring due to the use of these leaves. Causes of Drug Abuse – Yahoo News Search Results