Teenage Issues?

Question by sun.shyn: teenage issues?
what kind of issues do teenagers face…

like, substance abuse, eating disorders, school…
and even parents are an issue

can you think of any more?

any help appreciated.
yeh im a teenager

its just i wanted to hear opinions from others.
mak247ml –

omg i know!

i feel lucky too…(:

its really annoying… thats why i said on my yahoo page..

“i’m a teenager. no i’m not rude, im not arrogant.”
because people always think that teenagers are rude people who just do what they can for themselves.
and im like, NO, i dont!!
so yeah.

thanks for answering.
sorry this got you worked up haha

Best answer:

Answer by poptart_person
too obsessive over sex.

Answer by Jonas Brothers SPAZ!