When Was Marijuana Made Illegal in the U.S., and Why?

Question by Jimmy: When was marijuana made illegal in the U.S., and why?
Who was President?
What was the name of the bill that was written into law?
Has there been any ammendments made to it? (federally)

Best answer:

Answer by Duke
Hmm… sounds like someone is asking others to do his homework for him.

What would your teacher think of that?

Answer by Moe
It was criminalized because prohibition had just ended, and the government agencies did not just want to give up their power. Also, it is in the interest of the political system to divert the anger of the population from their unjust policies to trivial things such as marijuana. Thirdly, in the 1920’s, marijuana was associated with Mexicans. When a substance is associated with groups who are disliked and under-represented, they will pass laws to criminalize it. They were essentially keeping their power, spreading fear, and oppressing Hispanics and the poor. So, just the usual.

Epidemic gripping state | Officials must act to counter drug abuse
In 2012, the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs was formed to look into substance abuse. Its secretary, Gary Tennis, told a Senate committee recently that the agency has created guidelines for doctors to follow who were treating patients for pain.
Read more on The Tribune-Democrat