Why Do So Many People Keep Trying to Push to Make Marijuana Legal?

Question by JMR: Why do so many people keep trying to push to make marijuana legal?
It’s a psychedelic drug that makes people do crazy things when high enough on it, basically. That should be good enough reason for it to be illegal. If everybody smoked it, we’d be one screwed up society. Why do people think employers drug test? Because people on marijuana can do the *exact* same tasks with accuracy as the people who aren’t high? I don’t think so. They do drug testing because people high on marijuana act crazy, sometimes become violent, paranoid, and generally are a big mess to deal with. It screws up their life by giving them a criminal record due to poor actions, getting arrested, commiting crimes, etc. A common misconception is that it’s “natural and comes from the earth, and can’t be bad for you.” I read this cop-out many times a day on Yahoo Answers. It’s a fact that ANY smoke that goes in the lungs is bad for the lungs and can over time cause lung cancer due to prolonged exposure. Cancer kills. Why is that so hard for people to understand?

People can say “moderation”…but people won’t use it moderately. After all, it’s the high feeling that they are smoking it to get, to begin with. Just like a lot of people can’t just have an alcoholic drink – they want to be dead drunk and gone to the world. It’s illegal to be drunk in public in most places, too. That’s pretty common sense for both to be illegal…what’s up with all of these dumb questions like that on here?

There is no “medical” condition that tripping out on a psychedelic drug would help. THC stays in the blood stream for up to a month. That’s pretty serious…far above even prescription drugs. Alcohol goes out of the system a lot more quickly, as well.

Common sense is all around – why are people not using it?

Best answer:

Answer by LadyLynn
I’m all for marijuana, but only Medical Marijuana. I’ve seen cancer patients almost dying from chemotherapy, but one hit of MJ and the nausea goes away, and they don’t even get high. It’s a beautiful thing.

Also, it really helps glaucoma patients. Glaucoma causes blindness.

Answer by hummingbird
It’s not a psychedelic drug, nor do people get violent. I wonder where you are getting that information?

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