AA vs Rehab?

Question by to_sassy4_u: AA vs Rehab?
Can someone kick an alcohol addiction just by attending AA meetings or is actually going to rehab better?
It’s not me it’s my son. I’m just trying to understand the difference between AA meetings and rehab.

Best answer:

Answer by jessiecatsopolous
Depends on the person.

Answer by Jenn S
Depends on the person, I agree, but AA is tough for some people. Going to rehab can help with detoxing, which is necessary if someone is a daily drinker. The risk of just stopping is seizures and death. So sometimes rehab is necessary. AA is not for everyone, but it has helped millions recover from alcoholism and gives people the support and knowledge they need to get through it. Good luck, wishing you health, love, happiness, and HOPE.

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