Ayaan vs. Campus Thought Police

Ayaan vs. Campus Thought Police
Like clockwork, an op-ed in the Brandeis student newspaper by two leaders of the organization accused her of “Islamophobia,” a catch-all term employed to smear any criticism of Islam as akin to racism, without regard for the fact that the former is a …
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How I Write: Jane Goodall
I don't use the title. You seem to have a good sense of humor, as in the incident with the Gary Larson Far Side cartoon. It seems like quite an honor to be so well-known as to be recognizable in a popular cartoon, and to be included in a Simpsons …
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Galliano Won't Succeed de la Renta
In fact, Bush, as chairman of the board of trustees of the National Constitution Center located in Philadelphia last year awarded Clinton their annual Liberty Medal saying: “Former Secretary Clinton has dedicated her life to serving and engaging people …
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Bob the Drug Adict Nerd – the title.