Drug Abuse Statistics: Drug Poisoning Deaths Continue Tragic Climb – Los Angeles Times

Drug Abuse Statistics: Drug poisoning deaths continue tragic climb – Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times

Drug poisoning deaths continue tragic climb
Los Angeles Times
Drug poisoning deaths now outnumber traffic deaths as the leading cause of injury death in the country. The report, from the National Center for Health Statistics, points to misuse or abuse of prescription drugs as the driver of the upward trend in

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Higher IQs Welcome Highs on Drugs? Rockwood Reacts – Patch.com

Higher IQs Welcome Highs on Drugs? Rockwood Reacts
Men with high IQs were 46% more likely to use methamphetamines, and 65% more likely to use ecstasy than their low IQ peers. What may be more interesting is that these statistics held regardless of parents' socioeconomic status, psychological stress

Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: CBP stats show big drop in local border-crossings – Nogales International

CBP stats show big drop in local border-crossings
Nogales International
But Bersin also suggested that concerns about drug violence are keeping American tourists away from Mexican border cities, which would contribute to a decrease in US port crossings. And he pointed to financial factors as well, saying: “economic

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Pemadam seeking best approach to prevent drug abuse — Mordiah – The Borneo Post

Pemadam seeking best approach to prevent drug abuse — Mordiah
The Borneo Post
Representatives from the state Royal Police Department, Sarawak Education Department and National Anti-Drug Agency (Nada) briefed those present on the statistics and current issues pertaining to the drug situation in the state.

Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

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