Drug Abuse Statistics: Law to Prevent Prescription Drug Abuse Will Leave Some in Pain

Drug Abuse Statistics: Law to prevent prescription drug abuse will leave some in pain
Monday’s “New law leaves patients in pain” by Michael J. Berens and Ken Armstrong [page one, Dec. 12] deals with an important issue, particularly for Washington state, where we have more problems with use, abuse and diversion of prescription narcotics.
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Drug Abuse Statistics: Indigenous language linked to drop in drug abuse
New research shows young Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders who speak an Indigenous language are less likely to abuse drugs and alcohol.
Drug Abuse Statistics – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Abuse Statistics: The Pill Problem: A Growing Epidemic
SALISBURY, Md.- Prescription drug abuse is being called one of the most serious epidemics of our time. Just how serious? Newly released federal statistics show treatment for pill abuse has shot up a whopping 430 percent over the last decade.
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Drug Abuse Statistics: LEND A HAND: Tuscaloosa Drug-Free Coalition seeks help from volunteers
The Tuscaloosa Drug-Free Coalition is hoping to recruit more people interested in helping the organization develop plans to address substance abuse in Tuscaloosa and apply for funding.
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