Drug and Alcohol Violations Increasing on Campus – Marist College the Circle

Drug Abuse Statistics: Drug and alcohol violations increasing on campus – Marist College The Circle

Drug and alcohol violations increasing on campus
Marist College The Circle
The Office of Safety and Security's release of the 2010 campus crime statistics this October shows a steady increase in liquor and drug law violations over the past three years. The heads of the Safety and Security and Student Conduct offices attribute

Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Generation Oxy: Pills attract, addict teens – Knoxville News Sentinel

Generation Oxy: Pills attract, addict teens
Knoxville News Sentinel
About one out of every 10 teens across the state report using painkillers without a doctor's advice, according to the most recently available federal statistics — even after being warned since at least kindergarten about the dangers of drug abuse.

Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Survey: Heroin use on the rise – Batesville Herald Tribune

Survey: Heroin use on the rise
Batesville Herald Tribune
The dad said severe mood swings can signal drug use – “high peaks, low depressions, a big increase in argumentativeness.” Horninger cautioned, “Be wary if you're catching your kids in lies, especially in who they have been hanging with and where

Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Is Purdue Pharma-Sponsored ‘Partnership at drugfree.org’ a Ruse? – Salem-News.Com


Is Purdue Pharma-Sponsored 'Partnership at drugfree.org' a Ruse?
Are bereaved families of dead victims of the epidemic of prescription drugs being lied to? Straight off the Partnership at Drugfree.org website is the below statement with some very impressive statistics that indicate illicit drug use has fallen by 32%

Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

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