Japan's Government Predicts Internet Fasting Camps Will Cure Addicted Teens

Japan's Government Predicts Internet Fasting Camps Will Cure Addicted Teens
The Japanese Ministry of Education is devising ways to fight Internet addiction in adolescents. The ministry plans to open Internet fasting camps in the coming fiscal year to help students learn to live away from their laptops and cellphones. "We …
Read more on Mashable

Teens in child welfare system show higher drug abuse rate
PISCATAWAY, NJ – Teenagers in the child welfare system are at higher-than-average risk of abusing marijuana, inhalants and other drugs, according to a study in the November issue of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. However, the study also …
Read more on EurekAlert (press release)


Internet Addiction In Teenagers – I made this video for my Grade 10 IB-MYP Personal Project. I chose this topic as it is a rising issue which needs immediate attention.