Lives Torn by Addiction – Journal and Courier

Lives torn by addiction – Journal and Courier

Lives torn by addiction
Journal and Courier
Knowles knows that when it comes to treating drug addiction and preventing overdoses, those embroiled in the war are facing an uphill battle. Instead of reading the statistics each year and shaking her head in disappointment, she is joining with other

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News


.5M awarded to help inmates with mental health, addiction problems – Chillicothe Gazette

$ 1.5M awarded to help inmates with mental health, addiction problems
Chillicothe Gazette
Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services awarded $ 1.5 million this month to 12 groups covering 24 counties. Another 23 proposals were rejected, showing the need for services among incarcerated individuals, said Chris Nicastro, chief of

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News