More on the Marijuana Wars – Baltimore Sun (Blog)

Drug Abuse Statistics: More on the marijuana wars – Baltimore Sun (blog)

USA Today

More on the marijuana wars
Baltimore Sun (blog)
Adding to the evidence are statistics released Thursday from the federal government that show an upswing in pot use in the young-adult age group. The new data, from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, show 8.9% of the US population ages 12 and
National drug survey shows big drop in methamphetamine useUSA Today
National Survey Shows a Rise in Illicit Drug Use from 2008 to 2010Newswise (press release)

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: More U.S. Adults Using Illegal Drugs: Report – U.S. News & World Report

More U.S. Adults Using Illegal Drugs: Report
U.S. News & World Report
"These statistics represent real lives that are at risk from the harmful and sometimes devastating effects of illicit drug use. This nation cannot afford to risk losing more individuals, families and communities to illicit drugs or from other types of

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Alcohol Abuse And Treatment In Canada – The Shadow Of The Survey – OfficialWire (press release)

Alcohol Abuse And Treatment In Canada – The Shadow Of The Survey
OfficialWire (press release)
“Disturbing as these statistics are, as an indicator of increasing alcohol use and abuse in Canada, of equal concern is a reported response rate to this survey of only 44.4%.” commented André Ahern from the alcohol & drug rehab center,

Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Mthethwa: Forget cynics, the crime stats really are good news – Mail & Guardian Online

Mthethwa: Forget cynics, the crime stats really are good news
Mail & Guardian Online
She said more needed to be done to curb drug abuse in schools among young teenagers and she said there had to be a clampdown on illegal shebeens. On a positive note, Mthethwa said 49 of the 50 most wanted criminals had been caught.

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

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