National Institute for Health and Welfare: Disadvantages of Alcohol Use

National Institute for Health and Welfare: disadvantages of alcohol use
The injurious effects of alcohol use diminished slightly in 2012 compared to the previous year, reveals the recently published Yearbook of Alcohol and Drug Statistics. The statistical publication includes information about the situation on alcohol and …
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Reindeer-meat consumption up in Sweden; alcohol consumption down in Finland
The latest THL Yearbook of Alcohol and Drug Statistics shows that total consumption of alcoholic beverages in Finland amounted to 2.54 gallons of pure alcohol per capita in 2012, a decrease of 5 percent from 2011. The number of alcohol-related …
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Study: Mentally Ill More Prone to Alcohol, Drug and Tobacco Use – Shocking
Study: Mentally Ill More Prone to Alcohol, Drug and Tobacco Use – Shocking Statistics Individuals with psychotic disorders are considerably more prone to alcohol and drug abuse than the rest of the American population, according to new research. The …
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Alcohol – Reduce the Risk – Real people in Grey and Bruce Counties (Ontario, Canada), their stories and statistics on alcohol use. Evaluate your own drinking and make healthy choices. R…