New Front Opened in War Against Rx Abuse –

Drug Abuse Statistics: New front opened in war against Rx abuse –

New front opened in war against Rx abuse
Over the last three years, the Advance has shone a spotlight on the borough's prescription-drug epidemic through an award-winning series of investigative articles. Statistics show that prescription drug abuse claims the life of a Staten Islander almost

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Zoeller seeks to combat prescription drug abuse –

Zoeller seeks to combat prescription drug abuse
At least 20000 Americans died from prescription drug overdoses in 2008, the most recent year for which statistics are available, according to the CDC. In Indiana, one in five Hoosiers self-report using prescription drugs that were not prescribed for

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Medicare changes payment plan to fight drug fraud – USA Today

USA Today

Medicare changes payment plan to fight drug fraud
USA Today
Medicare officials have been mining statistics to spot patterns of pharmacy fraud, said John Spiegel, director of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' program integrity group. For example, Spiegel cited the "Miles Too Far" program that

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

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