Parent-Teen Talk Concerning Alcohol Recognized Nationally

Parent-teen talk concerning alcohol recognized nationally
However, alcohol remains the most commonly used and abused drug among the young, because, "the more accessible means the bigger the problem," Matthews said. Payne admits if it wasn't for run-ins with the law and health issues, he's not sure he would …
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Schools update policies on guns, drugs, social media
The policy applies to all posts, public or private, posted from school or any other site, including a student's home, especially those that include “violence against others, bullying, harassment and intimidation, alcohol and/or substance abuse, weapon …
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Medical Board issues new rules for prescribing opiates
Under the new policy, doctors are encouraged to conduct a "social and vocational assessment" of patients needing pain medications and screen them for any history of mental health disorders and alcohol or drug abuse. The policy also advises doctors to …