So, About Marijuana Drug Counseling…?

Question by Mary Grim: so, about marijuana drug counseling…?
i am a 16 year old junior in high school, and i smoke marijuana every once in a while in the safety of my home. i have no addiction to marijuana and i do not use it out of a constant need for escapism. i also have never and will NEVER try hard drugs.

it’s not like i smoke to get high and avoid my problems, i smoke to stimulate my appetite (currently prescibed to amphetamines for I-ADHD), to help me sleep (as opposed to using addictive sleeping pills), and to think outside of the box (my two passions are art and literature).

my teachers know me for being intelligent, mature, and hard working. i am enrolled in AP classes and maintain a 3.5 GPA. if you told them i smoked weed, i’m certain they wouldn’t believe you because i’m not the stereotypical “stoner”.

my mom doesn’t really mind that i smoke weed (she is a registered nurse), but my dad does. he is extremely ignorant about marijuana and he actually thinks that it’s killing my brain cells (a notion that is 100% unscientific and false). he also thinks that marijuana causes permanent mental illness (another false, terribly ignorant claim).

the driving force of my dad’s ignorance is his fear of me becoming like my uncle. he believes that when my uncle started using marijuana (he was my age) it changed his personality and brain chemistry dramatically, which led to his life of alcoholism and hard drug abuse.

i believe life is too valuable to waste it away in the throes of addiction. i have a strong desire to be successful, and would never succumb to an addiction of any sort. whenever i tell my dad that i’m not addicted to weed, and i also don’t want to try hard drugs, he says, “that’s probably what uncle jeff would have said when he was your age.” i hate his ignorance; assuming i’m just like his brother.

my dad is sending me to drug counseling, which honestly i don’t need. what will the ‘drug counselor’ most likely say? i even talked to my doctor about my marijuana use; she said it would not hurt me in the long run but i should stop smoking merely because of the social stigma surrounding it.

if you took the time to read all of this, or at least some of it, thanks. and i appreciate any and all answers.
ps- i ALWAYS blow the smoke out of the window, and spray febreeze afterward. plus i do it in my room, usually at night. no smell 🙂
ps- the ‘gateway’ theory has been disproved.

after legalizing marijuana in holland, there was no increase in the use of hard drugs. in fact, there was a significant decrease.
by the way, i have never been caught in the act, so to speak. i’ve only ever failed drug tests, and once a friend of mine got me busted by accidentally dropping a filter on my lawn, which my dad found.
i am sorry yahwehgod777, but all of the grammatical errors in your answer are undermining your intelligence, and thus the legitimacy of the answer you gave me. and weed does not kill brain cells, period. even long term heavy use (which i don’t do) has not been specifically linked to lung cancer nor emphysema.

Best answer:

Answer by calzrhe
Well it sounds like you’re taking amphetamines to counter your ADHD and then you’re taking marijuana to counter the amphetamines. That’s like.. what’s the point?

It is said that people will do things because their parents are so against it that people feel good doing what their parents are against.

But it’s his home, and I know how badly marijuana can stink up a house, so out of respect for his personal space, be aware of that. Your doctor is right. Doing something that makes others feel uncomfortable is rather rude. In my opinion, if you’re going to do marijuana, make sure your dad doesn’t know… which could mean getting into a stoner group and – you know – undermine the fact that you’re a mature, intelligent, hardworking student with a 3.5 GPA who no one would think is a stoner.

If I sound rude, let’s just say I am highly against marijuana cause it smells like ass and cause I fear stoners would one day take over the world, and ruin my “drug free is the way to be” world that I learned to grow up and feel secure in, so I am actually being very nice not using any cuss words, besides the ass that I just used (which wasn’t directed at you). I fear that one day, when I become like 40, another guy the same age would happen to be a teacher who tells his students “If you don’t do marijuana, you’re WRONG!” and I’ll be like *facepalm* you gotta be kidding me.

Answer by yawehgod777
ok lets say that marijuana dont cause brain damage .but the carbon monoxide that you inhale deprives the body of oxygen witch dos kill brain cells.i am not trying to burst your bubble but i smoked weed for 9 years and through that time i did hard core drugs witch i died from then was brout back to life.weed is a gate way drug witch means you will do harder drugs.thats how every body i know started out your only sixteen i know you think you got it all figured out but trust me when i tell you that weed is a gateway drug.if you dont believe me just ask any old time junkie and see what they say